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Memorable Scenes from The Royal Khon A lecture and performance


September 24, 2016


Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles Auditorium


Memorable Scenes from The Royal Khon

The revival of khon under Her Majesty’s patronage has led to revitalization not only of the dance and music but has also given a tremendous boost to the arts of stagecraft essential to a khon production.

Memorable Scenes from The Royal Khon: A Lecture and Performance

The Queen Sirikit Museum of Textiles invites you to our September program. It was led by Dr. Surat Jongda, a member of the royal khon performance production committees under the SUPPORT Foundation of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit. The afternoon featured dancers from the royal khon troupe and will offer attendees the rare opportunity to witness these skilled performers up close and examine their costumes and accessories in detail. The lecture portion of the program is in Thai.

This event is free of charge after regular museum admission.